Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beggar and the alms

Why do people give alms? I guess because they pity the beggar and his condition.
Why then do they pay him a meager Rs. 1 coin (some people graciously offer 2). What in the world is he supposed to purchase from it? Chintoo Candy? or Tiger biscuit? And if that buck is useless to him, what exactly does giving a buck signify? I think it is a mere gesture, coming more out of guilt and habit. Isnt it the 'guilt'? The guilt of what the onlookers will think? Or the guilt that I am richer than this guy? If No, if it is really out of pity, then why dont you think of some better places to invest your hard earned money (OR your father's hard earned money) in some NGO which works towards the long term elevation of Poverty? Or, if you want to help that particular person, sponsor his meal, or give him a blanket, or Rs.10, or any think he can actually use. Surely there are better ways to help the beggar than literally throwing a buck in his 'katora"

Some people will argue, We feel a sense of satisfaction.
I will just say one thing. Think!!!
Aren't you hurting a human being's dignity for that satisfation?

Some will say, he is starving, fighting to stay alive, he cannot afford 'Dignity'
I will say just one thing. Remeber by giving alms, you are actually helping yourself (to overcome the guilt) and not the beggar.(1 rupee isnt helping him anyway)

For people who are still not convinced, THINK and comment